Welcome to your new homepage. Here are the brief instructions on how to change text, color and images. When you are logged in (The log in button is located in the bottom right corner) you can change all the text on the site.
- To change text, click the button "Change text".
- To change the subject and the menu button, click "Change subject".
- To create a new main page, click the sub menu "New main page".
- To create a new sub page you have to create a main page first. In the sub menu under the new main page, click "New sub page"
- To change your home page colors. Go to "Color admin" in the first sub menu then click the small color image.
Images, you can direct link to an image from another site in the text editor. Click on the insert image button.
Or click "New Image" to upload an image.- All changes are instant and once you log out you're able to see the page as your visitors see it. The log out button is located in the bottom right corner.
We recommend the use of Internet Explorer to administrate your page.
OBS! You must allow cookies and popup windows to be able to administrate your site.